Monday, November 10, 2008

Am I depressed?

A tough question I ask immediate reaction is No! I am not!

For starters let me make a distinction between being depressed and what I call experiencing depression....

If I am depressed, then this depression becomes a part of my identity... I'd rather choose the option to call myself as 'experiencing depression' ... That makes it more temporary...that gives me a degree of freedom to be only experiencing it as something passing and not as something that has become a part of me...

There is a taboo to being depressed - atleast clinically so...its a happy world and we are all supposed to smile all the way...that often doesnt happen, and sometimes life can get really stark. Whether it is you brooding over the meaninglessness of creating temporary meaning in your life, or entirely for no reason feeling the blues....happens to us all....

I am going to make a large claim now - I believe each one of us experiences depression (and by that I mean the dark degree that affects the way we feel) at some point of time or the other...

I mean c'mon, you've been sent to the world without any live life with constructed wants or in an endless discovery of happiness... knowing that all is tranisent - think about these things for a bit and you're bound to feel depressed!

One of the things I guess people do when they experience such dark feelings is that they stop feeling altogether...and becuase you dont feel enough, you dont feel happy or sad enough - that keeps you in a 'zone of safety'...a glamourous name for this is the middle path. Depending on whether you have conciously choosen this or not, this is either an escape or a coping mechanisim - a very valid one at that

Do not assume for one bit that I am attempting to glorify depression - all I am trying to do is to observe the phenomenon that we call depression - this devil that we all fear and yet confront knowingly or unknowingly

I do know of a number of people around me, who 'experience the blues' more often than not...who live life so fully that the stoic tragedies of life are bound to percolate deep into their souls... and for them it is that I am concerned....

Because out there is a fairly functional world - a world that keeps moving without regard to how you feel or where your world face of it that might be a great escape...but I am not sure if escaping depression is the right way out of it....

I think for me it is the confrontation of something deeper....for all this while I have assumed all that I know to be be transient...and it is this search of meaning at times that leaves me feeling lost.... too complicated some would say...

At other times there is no reason really....

But now I would not call myself depressed... yes I am experiencing what are some of the symptoms associated with being depressed but hey, I am aware of it as well....While I am not resisting it or fighting it, I belive that experiencing it fully will let a natural equilibrium follow....

Well thats a pretty self indulgent post...but in the end thats what being depressed is about...its about when I start to think only of myself and treat the rest of the world as unreal...or as 'not me'...and i transact with it very transactionally...

So when I do this blog post, I feel good - I feel great that there is someone out here who shares my pain...who is also a little lost...who is also a little bit of a seeker...and that I am not alone...its often that one small comment on the blog that can make all the difference

Depression is like water thats stagnant in a pond...stinking...with mosquitoes and maybe even on the other hand is like a river... it flows... it goes on with the new replacing the old...

It is in fully embracing this flow that life is about...sometimes meaning lies just beyond the constructs of our mind...just beyond the meaning of  beautiful to admire my intellectual difficult to light that match and create light for real.....

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Blogger Anuj said...

This post is a glorious truth. Sometimes, I feel ignorance is bliss. Many friends of mine don't care to ponder over the things I believe to be 'meaningful'. Maybe they aren't. But I am not satisfied by experiencing an insular view of life. There were times when I dug a deep hole for myself without a 'tangible' cause. But with bad experience comes good judgement. Now I can ponder about things which weaken me more objectively. Like you mentioned in your previous post - I've created storeys which don't allow me to crash to rock bottom. And then i've also realized that Karma Yoga helps too. Allowing work or a certain purpose to guide you helps. Ironically, it is the lack of work/purpose which leads to depression in the first place. I certainly do know that 'thinking' in a depressed state is the most dangerous thing one can do. My thoughts invariably dig a deeper hole. Creating music, poetry, sharing, giving, loving and work tend to help. How you get to creating or doing these things in a depressed state is a different challenge all together.

7:31 PM  
Blogger The One said...


Yes, as you said, doing all this when depressed is the biggest challenge of all...

And yet it helps to know somewhere that while unique in experience, I am still not alone ... I am not strange in experiencing this....

That depression is a far more common experience than what is ever acknowledged and believed to be...

Guess its what ppl who seek beyond are subject to :)

8:45 PM  
Blogger Anuj said...

Ae btw, my friend and I have co-created a blog : I put up pictures and she interprets them. Kindly visit. And comment jaroor kijiyega.

1:35 AM  

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