It's the gravity, stupid!
Gravity is a force that we have all learnt to live with, in the real world. You know that if you fling something in the air, it will come down....
Gravity also works in our personal and spiritual context - the default for your unless you apply a force to the contrary, is to go down....
So very soon I start feeling bored, lost or sad....its the gravity that pulls me to my default state...each and every time....
Being spritually aware in such times is like having storeys to a building - you can shield against gravity when you are at your home on the nth floor (you dont hit the ground ground but just the floor of your floor)
But still gravity exists....what it means for us is that whatever we do to get to a feel good etc. will be temporary, till it is internalized....and even after being internalized, there will still remain a force acting on taking things to status quo - to boredom, to unhappiness, to restlessness....
Its that gravity that i am trying to fight - at times I forget that such a force will always exist. I just sit wondering why I am feeling low again...or why is it down again after being so high just a little while ago.....
Its the gravity, stupid!
Measures against this gravity mean taking your daily dose of positivity (maybe from some self help tape or some Aastha pravachan). It means doing your daily chores like meditation - those will keep you more intact than not...any slip in this and there is gravity, waiting out there to take over, to swallow you and drive you straight back to the lows...
Next time you feel low without a reason, remind yourself...its the gravity, stupid!
how is it that you write something and it sits like a glove on the goddamn hand of my life?
" I just sit wondering why I am feeling low again...or why is it down again after being so high just a little while ago....."
Thanks for the answer :)
Anytime! Its just that we are all exploring and some people are much closer to where you are than others I guess.... that explains the connect...and the glove and the hand :)
Keep reading ... and messaging back :)
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